Trans P.O.V. (Transgender Point of View)

30 Mar 2018

The One Where Annie Wants To Be A Better Transgender Ally

Ally, Allyship, Education, Society & Culture, Transgender

The One Where Annie Wants To Be A Better Transgender Ally


According to Webster’s New World Dictionary of the American Language, an ally is someone “joined with another for a common purpose.”

Being an ally with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual (LGBTQIA) individuals is the process of working to develop individual attitudes, institutions, and culture in which LGBTQIA people feel they are valued. Coming up to International Transgender Day of Visibility, which is an annual event occurring on March 31 dedicated to celebrating transgender people and raising awareness of discrimination faced by transgender people worldwide, the question is often asked “How can I be a better Ally?”

I am joined by Annie Nolan, aka ‘Uncanny Annie’, to discuss her views on Ally-ship and often each of us were standing up for the others community resulting an quite a bit of laughter.  She is an Australian mom blogger who rose to fame after a cheeky photo of her twin girls went viral and was viewed more than two million times in two days. She is the founder behind the parenting and lifestyle blog Uncanny Annie.

*** We know that sometimes it can be hard to know who to talk to if you are experiencing a mental health crisis. If you do not have family and friends living nearby or a strong local support network it can be hard to get through difficult times on your own. Whether you are in a crisis or you just feel down and need to talk to someone, it is important to know that help is available at all hours of the day and night.

There are many free mental health hotlines and mental health online support services across Victoria, which provide crisis support, information, resources, counselling and therapy to people of all ages.

Where to get help:

  • Your doctor
  • Lifeline, call:  13 11 14
  • Kids Helpline, call:  1800 55 1800
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline – Call:  1800 200 526
  • Beyondblue –  Call: 1300 22 4636
  • SuicideLine – Call: 1300 651 251



The One With Gender Affirmation

28 Apr 2020

The One With Gender Affirmation

Ally, gender, Health, Podcasting, Sexuality, Society & Culture, Transgender

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Are you missing us?

14 Jan 2020

Are you missing us?


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The one about sailing around the world and Australian health care

10 Dec 2019

The one about sailing around the world and Australian health care

gender, Health, Medicine, Music, News & Politics, Non-Profit, Performing Arts, Sports & Recreation, Transgender

  Sabreena Lachlainn shares her dreams of sailing solo around the world with Michelle. The amazing Dr Ruth McNair from the Northside ...