Unicorn Youth

5 Oct 2016

Inclusion in Sport for Young LGBTQIA People

Education, Personal Journals, Sexuality, Society & Culture

Inclusion in Sport for Young LGBTQIA People

img_3772Tonight we talked all things sport!

In Melbs we have seen footy people getting pretty excited over the last couple of
weeks with the grand finals.

So I thought that now would be a good time to raise the question: “What’s it like for a
young LGBTQIA person in the sporting world today?”

We know that there are so many benefits to be gained from playing sport, from health & fitness to social inclusion and community. But research shows that some LGBTQIA young people are turning away from sport.

Tonight we explore what it is currently like out there for LGBTQIA young
people in sport. Why are some young same sex attracted or gender diverse
people dropping out? What could we be doing to make a safer, more inclusive environment within clubs? And what sports are at the forefront for inclusion!

Thanks to our guests James, Cameron and Jack for appearing on the show!


Intersectionality! Our Final Show of 2017!

29 Nov 2017

Intersectionality! Our Final Show of 2017!

Education, Gender, Kids & Family, Personal Journals, Sexuality, Society & Culture, Youth

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How Do I Know I’m Queer?

25 Nov 2017

How Do I Know I’m Queer?

Education, Gender, Kids & Family, Personal Journals, Sexuality, Society & Culture, Youth

How are you feeling after the postal vote? Wasn't that a full on day?! I cried a lot! Did you ...

Gender Fluidity!

9 Nov 2017

Gender Fluidity!

Education, Gender, Kids & Family, Personal Journals, Sexuality, Society & Culture, Youth

How would you describe your gender? Do you feel like your gender identity has remained the same throughout your whole ...