Well, Well, Well

1 Nov 2018

HIV Election Priorities

HIV, Legal, Policy

HIV Election Priorities

Priorities for HIV & AIDS for the Victorian State Election

It has been 35 years since Australia’s rst Human Immunode ciency Virus (HIV) diagnosis. It was
a time when fear was pervasive, knowledge
of HIV was limited, and initial treatment, once developed, was relatively ineffective. Little could be done to prevent the progression of HIV toAcquired Immunode ciency Syndrome (AIDS) and AIDS-related illnesses, yet faced with fear anduntold misery, we rallied. Community members, volunteers, researchers, health professionals andgovernments worked together to ght HIV. For the most part Victorians have bene ted from long-standing bipartisan support for effective action

on HIV, and the shared understanding that key to an effective HIV response is government workingin partnership with community-controlled healthservices.


In this episode of Well, Well, Well – Michael catches up with Living Positive Victoria CEO Richard Keane, and Positive Women Victoria CEO Kirsty Machon. We discuss the recent booklet coproduced by Thorne Harbour Health, Living Positive Victoria and Positive Women Victoria to assist the new Government navigate the process of bettering health outcomes for people living with HIV, and working toward eliminating the virus. From stigma and decriminalisation, to biomedical prevention like PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) and HIV treatment – we leave no stone unturned from a comprehensive document of 27 actionable priorities for the future.


Before we wrap up, Michael shoots across to South Australia briefly to chat with Margy the Producer of Feast Festival – to talk about the queer festival coming up over 16 action packed days in November!


Check out these resources:

The Victorian State Election HIV & AIDS Priorities booklet 

This show, Episode #644 originally aired Thursday 8th November 2018.

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