Word for Word

5 Apr 2011

Male Castration – The Modern Eunuch

Arts, Health, News & Politics, Society & Culture

Some of the information discussed today is sexual …or more precisely, genital in nature so please adjust your ears or dial accordingly.

The baby-boomer generation will be shocked to discover that the emasculation of the modern man began way before Germaine Greer’s father had even begun to produce sperm.

Whilst we freely use terms like …Desexed – Spade – Neutered … when referring to the animals we love….can you imagine using the same language with your Mother, the next time Dad went off the rails???

I don’t think so!

These days the only time we hear the word “castration” in the media … it is usually in direct connection to multiple sex offenders, or the severely disabled.

Castration comes in many forms and it is often the result of surviving prostate cancer but Eunuchs – men who have had the chop – have been in existence for centuries.

Here to demystify the very touchy subject of the testicular-ectomy is an international expert and …technically a eunuch himself, I welcome Word For Word – Professor Richard Wassersug


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