Word for Word

11 Dec 2011

HIV TODAY – Joel’s Story

Arts, Health, News & Politics, Society & Culture

Since HIV was discovered 30 years ago, it has engulfed humanity killing millions of people and devastated nations. The introduction of anti-retro-viral treatments has transitioned HIV/AIDS from being a death sentence to a manageable chronic illness. It’s that very transition that has given rise to the complacency amongst Australia’s gay men. HIV infection rates in Australia have steadily increased from 718 cases in 1999 to approximately 1000 new diagnoses each year for the past 3 years.
Two Melbourne Men living with HIV have agreed to tell their stories. Although born a generation apart, they are united on many fronts.
Both seek to blame on-one and expect no pity. Both take full responsibility for their actions and in revealing their stories, hope you listening will do so too. These stories are a reminder of the impact HIV/AIDS has on ones quality of life and on the ones we love.
Last week we heard from Ken who at 50, was medically retired and has been surviving AIDS for a decade.
This Week on Word For Word, JOEL shares his story of what it is like to be diagnosed HIV+ at 25 years of age; only to discover 6 months later in a routine medical test, that he had subsequently contracted hepatitis C through sexual transmission.


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