Word for Word

8 May 2021

Linzi Kurileff

Arts, Health, History, LGBTI Community, Science & Medicine, Society & Culture

Linzi Kurileff

Today’s guest with Lisa Daniel on Word for Word is Linzi Kurileff.  Linzi Kurileff has been somewhat of an unsung hero amongst Melbourne’s queer community for more decades than she would be happy to admit. Some highlights include managing the legendary Glasshouse hotel; being heavily involved in the ALSO Foundation over a number of years; Co- presenter at JOYVice president/President BENT TVVice President of Victoria’s Pride March, including MC of the main stage for well over a decade; and many more that we’ll tease out during the next hour. 2020 proved to be a hugely challenging year for Linzi when a major health battle changed her life forever. 

This podcast originally aired on May 8th, 2021.


Sally Goldner

14 Jul 2024

Sally Goldner

LGBTI Community, Society & Culture, Transgender

Today’s guest is Sally Goldner. Sally has dedicated her life to making the Australian community one of the best places ...

Sam Elkin

11 May 2024

Sam Elkin

LGBTI Community, Transgender

Today’s guest is Sam Elkin. Sam is a writer, event producer, lawyer and co-editor of Nothing to Hide: Voices of ...

Jordana Ezra

6 Apr 2024

Jordana Ezra

LGBTI Community, Society & Culture

Trigger warning: this episode contains discussions around sex and language that may offend, so if you have little kids around ...