Word for Word

21 Oct 2012

ENUF is ENUF – end HIV stigma NOW!

Arts, Health, News & Politics, Society & Culture

Today’s special guest has achieved many Australian firsts. At the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games he was the first Australian to receive an Olympic Medal for Gymnastics. It was the first time his speciality of Trampoline had been included in the Olympics. Two years later he revealed he was Gay and a decade later, during the London Olympics, he became the first elite athlete in Australia to say “I’m HIV+”. It’s in his new role as the first ambassador for the ENUF campaign that we welcome, Ji Wallace.
The ENUF campaign aims to encourage all people, regardless of their HIV status, to have the courage and skills to identify and refuse to tolerate the manifestations of HIV stigma. These include: resistance to HIV testing, represses HIV disclosure and impact on the health and wellbeing of those living with HIV.
The ENUF HIV Stigma initiative has gained interest from organisations a far afield as London, Toronto, San Francisco and New York. Beautifully simplistic yet stunningly powerful, the campaign is the brainchild of Living Positive Victoria’s Executive Office, Brent Allan, who also joins us today.
Word For Word’s regular co-host Avi Miller chose this special occasion to publicly disclose his HIV+ status on-air. His courage and bravery re-enforces the ENUF message and his stand against HIV stigma is an example to all.
Support the ENUF campaign by signing the ENUF IS ENUF pledge at


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