World Wide Wave

12 Aug 2014

The plight of LGBTI refugees in Australia


This is an interesting discussion about Australia’s place in the international community and our relationship with the United Nations in relation to LGBTI refugees to Australia.

On World Wide Wave we can sometimes paint a pretty depressing picture, with persecution, prejudice and threat to life still facing a huge number of LGBTI people.

When people face threat of persecution or death in their home countries, there’s something they can do: they can become refugees, and seek asylum in a country that will offer them safety.

But does seeking asylum on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identify make the process easier or more complex? What are the hoops that gay asylum seekers must go through to prove their sexuality and that they are being persecuted because of it? And for one refugee, how did homemade porn become a ticket to freedom from persecution?

We speak with Senthorun (Sen) Raj from the University of Sydney who is an advocate and researcher working in the areas of law, social justice, politics, and community development.

Sen’s PhD thesis was titled “Feeling Law: Encountering Violence, Intimacy, and Queer Subjects”. He has recently completed a Churchill Fellowship examining sexual orientation and gender identity refugee claims in the UK, US and Australia.

Find out more on W3JOY’s Australia homepage.


Global: ILGA World’s new report on LGBTQIA+ rights

12 Jun 2024

Global: ILGA World’s new report on LGBTQIA+ rights

Discrimination, Social issues, Worldwide

It’s Pride Month in the northern hemisphere. For many it’s party time, but for others there are still protests and ...