Driving You Mad, Driving You Crazy

11 Aug 2016

Melbourne Festival visits Friday Drive

Arts, Community, Dance, Entertainment, Music

Melbourne Festival visits Friday Drive

MelbFest2016The 2016 Melbourne Festival is on the horizon – so close that tickets are now on sale and selling fast. But there are lots of free things too so even if you’re not flush with cash at the moment you can still celebrate the arts (in the broadest possible definition of the term) as they are presented from 06 to 23 October.

Jonathan HollowayJonathan Holloway chats in style and comedy with David and Sue about the depth of his experience before being appointed as artistic director of this, his first Melbourne Festival. Jonathan then goes on to describe only a handful of the many many events, performances, exhibitions … something for every interest and taste – or why not take pot luck on an event or two and broaden your horizons!

All the info you need is at the festival’s web site (which is blessedly easy to navigate!)
You can also follow the action on facebook and twitter


Thank You from David and Sue

20 Jun 2020

Thank You from David and Sue

Comedy, Community, Uncategorized

If you're not all that into podcasts, here's a couple of minutes just for you …. David and Sue say THANK ...

David and Sue’s last commute

20 Jun 2020

David and Sue’s last commute

Comedy, Community, crazy mad talking hour

Here it is, the very last Driving You Mad Driving You Crazy Friday Drive with David and Sue. As promised, ...

Friday Drive – DYMDYC

13 Jun 2020

Friday Drive – DYMDYC

Comedy, crazy mad talking hour

Rude gas, tattoos, greeting cards, chim chiminey chim chiminey chimneysweeps, tattoos, art at Manyung Gallery amongst the fun and dangerous ...