A Touch of Pink

14 May 2014

Show 473 / 17 May 2014


Show 473 / 17 May 2014


Welcome to my Touch Of Pink blog page. Tonight it’s an all gay show, yes, gay, gay, gay. I love saying that, and so very proud that there are so many fabulous gay artists making wonderful pop music.

My Single Of The Week is … all of them, but if I must make a choice it would have to be Bright Light Bright Light. For fans of this UK gay artist who have pre-ordered his new album, they will have received a live piano/vocal version of the new album, and it is just amazing. The finished fully orchestrated product will be even more amazing.

Here follows tonight’s playlist. Tune in to us this Saturday on JOY 94.9 from 6-7pm for a bakers dozen of fab-u-lous tracks. Your host is Dick.

Playlist for 17 May 2014

Blondie # Sugar on the side
Maor # Exit (Mike Rizzo Funk Generation edit)
Aiden Leslie # Diamond dreams (Klubjumpers edit)
Sean Ensign # Feel the music (JRMX edit)
Ricky Martin # Vida
Bright Light X 2 ft Elton John # I wish we were leaving
John Barrowman # What about us (Simmons and Christopher edit)
BP Major * # Calling all recruits
Pet Shop Boys # Flourescent (Indio mix)
Dave Aude ft Andy Bell # Aftermath (here we go)
Shelter ft Andy Bell # Beautiful (Don Muellers edit)
Eurotix # Life as it slips away
Alcazar # Blame it on the disco

* AUSSIE Content                                    # GLBTI Content


What Have I Seen ThIs Week ?

Film: Belle : This is my favourite type of film, a a luscious UK produced period piece, with a love story, strong social issues and lots of bitch fights. It was inspired by the true story of Dido Elizabeth Belle, and illegitimate mixed race daughter of an Admiral. She wasn’t able to eat with the family of her father, but she was also above eating with the servants. She eventually meets a preacherrman’s son, an aspiring lawyer, falls in love, gets involved in a famous trial which has a lot to do with the abolition of slavery in the UK. It has it all.

4 out of 5


Dick’s Top 5 Videos For The Week

Blondie : Sugar On The Side (Debbie is now officially bisexual)

Alcazar : Blame It O The Disco (a little bit camp)

Eurotix : Life As It Slips Away (they’re Swedish and they’re in the snow)

Andy Bell : A Little Respect (from the musical Our Gay Wedding)

Ricky Martin : Vida (who would guess he was gay from this video ? — everyone !)


That’s your lot ….. now sashay away …





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