Been There Done That

10 Jan 2017

Heat, Centrelink, F.Rose, DDT, Health, Long John Baldry, Carnival

Gay, Health, History, HIV, Music, Politics, Science

Heat, Centrelink, F.Rose, DDT, Health, Long John Baldry, Carnival

We fret about the ferocity of this year’s summer temperatures, reminding ourselves to take care. We grumble about the Centrelink ‘debt’ process and get cheerier as we remember it is birthday time for gay Felipe Rose – the ‘Indian’, founding member of the 70-80’s group ‘The Village People’.

In remembering the birthday of the man who discovered the dangers of DDT, and we chat about the danger of similar new discoveries, & the need for extensive testing of new compounds on animals before being used by humans.  But we note that even when disease-cures are discovered, the use of modern remedies is often limited by costs & our national health schemes – mostly free in Australia, but not in the US.

We honour the life and works of gay Long John Baldry, popular UK blues singer/musician/guitarist in the 60s, mentor in musical matters to Rod Stewart and Elton John (whom he also assisted with his ‘coming-out’ process.

We discuss petroleum, its source and modern uses, the rise of the motor-car & pollution from both cars and the burning of coal, and the transition to renewable resources.

In closing, we promote the forthcoming Midsumma Carnival Day.

Plus some trivia and mirth and much more ..


Show Number 850 … give us a break !

9 Apr 2019

Show Number 850 … give us a break !

Diversity, Gay, History, HIV, Pop Culture

Yes – Show number 850 – a good reason to have a bit of a break - for four months ...

I heard it on the grapevine …

27 Mar 2019

I heard it on the grapevine …

Community, Diversity, Gay, HIV, Pop Culture

We welcome Will to the program for his second show while Gordon is away on the high seas. Chris tells of ...

What is reality … ?

20 Mar 2019

What is reality … ?

Disasters, Gay, History, Space

While Gordon is on the high seas, we welcome Will to the program for 2 shows, and he will share ...