Health in Difference 2013

20 Apr 2013

From mainstream to tailored approaches

Cultural Determinants, Mental Health and Suicide Prevention

Presenter: Nell Angus, beyondblue

beyondblue has identified three major priority communities in its strategic directions for 2010-2015. The priority communities include Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people; gay, lesbian, bi, trans and intersex communities; and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

Addressing depression and anxiety among specific priority communities in tailored, collaborative ways is an integral part of beyondblue’s strategic directions. This presentation will discuss the key elements of approaches taken to ensure that messages about depression and anxiety are developed and delivered appropriately and in collaboration with communities and community organisations.


Conference Summation

20 Apr 2013

Conference Summation

Ageing and Aged Care, Cultural Determinants, Doing LGBTI Health Differently, Intersex, Trans and Gender Diversity, Mental Health and Suicide Prevention

Rapporteurs for each of the conference streams will present a summation and synthesis that draws out the major findings, emerging issues ...

Opening Doors: rainbow cultural competency in NZ

20 Apr 2013

Opening Doors: rainbow cultural competency in NZ

Doing LGBTI Health Differently, Mental Health and Suicide Prevention

Presenter: Michael Stevens, Affinity Services In 2011 the Auckland District Health Board (ADHB) commissioned research into the needs and experiences of Rainbow ...

Gender Diverse young people: a therapy case presentation

20 Apr 2013

Gender Diverse young people: a therapy case presentation

Intersex, Trans and Gender Diversity, Mental Health and Suicide Prevention

Presentation: Vanessa Watson, National LGBTI Health Alliance This presentation aims to illustrate therapeutic considerations when working with transgendered young people and their ...