In The Beginning

15 Feb 2024

Episode 2 – JOY Radio Origins – How it all started


Episode 2 – JOY Radio Origins – How it all started

In this Episode 2 we take you on a journey from the dreaming of 16 year old John Oliver, founder and member number 1, to create a radio station, the 1993 Midsumma Carnival inspiration to make an application to the Australian Broadcasting Authority for a temporary licence, and to a scrambled dash from being awarded an 8-day licence to finding a space above a hardware store on Coventry Street, South Melbourne, building a radio studio, broadcast desk and aerial, testing and transmitting the first JOY Radio broadcast at 6:20am 1 December 1993 World AIDS Day. And how on this journey we unearth a golden moment when JOY RADIO, as we know it, may never have existed.

Play List:
Children – Billie Porter
Celebration – Kylie Minogue
Born This Way – Lady Gaga


Episode 17 – JOY Radio and its Multicultural Programs

30 May 2024

Episode 17 – JOY Radio and its Multicultural Programs

History, Non-Profit, Sexuality, Society & Culture

In this Episode 17, we explore JOY Media’s role in multicultural programming, building inclusive spaces for marginalised communities, and providing ...

Episode 16 JOY Media news for the LGBTIQA+ Community

23 May 2024

Episode 16 JOY Media news for the LGBTIQA+ Community

History, Non-Profit, Sexuality, Society & Culture

In this Episode 16, we explore Joy Media’s communication with its listeners, news coverage, and role as an independent voice ...