JOY Drive

23 Jun 2024

Feel bad about Binge watching TV? We’ve been bingeing for thousands of years!

Arts, History, Mental Health, Popular Culture, Society & Culture, TV & Film

Feel bad about Binge watching TV?  We’ve been bingeing for thousands of years!

Imagine it’s the weekend, it’s cold outside… message your friend to cancel that social engagement as to be honest, you just want to stay home and binge watch your favourite TV series.

You’re in your pyjamas, fluffy slippers and you start watching. You’re already up to your fourth episode for this session and you start to feel guilty.

Does that sound familiar to you?

Well – we’ve got some good news. We might think that binge watching is a rather new phenomenon, but not so….we’ve been binging for thousands of years.

Guest: Darius von Guttner Sporzynski, Historian, Australian Catholic University.

Presenter: Warren Andrew



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