JOYful Days

27 Jul 2015

Second Breakfast and Social Media for Women

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Second Breakfast and Social Media for Women
Lana Woolf and Lauren Stardust talk social media on Second Breakfast

Lana Woolf and Lauren Stardust

Sonja Hammer had in the studio two wonderful women Lana Woolf and Lauren Stardust talking about something they were both part of on Thursday 30 July, a panel discussion on Naming and Blaming and Social Media:

Calling out, calling in, pitchfork mobs, hanging judges, justice and just-us, accountability, responsibility, friending and de-friending.

Is being ganged up online just as brutal as being ganged up in the street? Is there a difference between virtual threats of violence and personal threats of violence? Can online ever be a safer space? Can we take up virtual space to account for the lack of physical space some of us are allowed? Why do we read the comments? Why do we write such comments? What are the social, legal and emotional consequences of social media? Naming, Blaming and Social Media explores these questions and so many more.

Lana Woolf is a page and stage poet, storyteller and radio host / producer based in Melbourne Australia. Lana has performed all around Melbourne (and interstate) and runs workshops and facilitates forums in diverse areas as mental health to bio-myth poetry.

Lauren Stardust is a fantastic, fun-loving, fanciful feminist who has thousands of followers, and a post that went viral after she called out bad public behaviour.






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