Saturday Magazine

30 Sep 2013

Macca joins Neil Mitchell on 3AW

News & Politics

Macca joins Neil Mitchell on 3AW

Neil Mitchell and MaccaAre you a black lesbian in a wheelchair? As 3AW’s Neil Mitchell put it on his show this morning, you could be the perfect candidate for the Labor Party. At least according to leadership hopeful Bill Shorten who is touting the idea of introducing quotas for LGBTI people participating in the Party.

Neil Fharaoh, national convenor of Rainbow Labor, which represents Labor’s LGBTI members, told the ABC that with only 12 politicians identifying as gay and lesbian across the whole country, Mr Shorten’s idea could be a step forward.

“The LGBTI community has been underrepresented, particularly in political seats, both at a state and federal level in Australia” Mr Fharaoh said.

But David McCarthy, host of Saturday Magazine and president of JOY 94.9, told 3AW’s Neil Mitchell that the quota idea is more akin to tokenism. Macca said that “equal is equal”, and if Bill Shorten wants to engage with the LGBTI community, devoting more time to JOY 94.9 might be a good place to start.

If you missed Macca on Neil Mitchell’s program this morning, you can listen below.


Saturday, 20th July, 2024; New Joy President Announcement

22 Jul 2024

Saturday, 20th July, 2024; New Joy President Announcement

Current Affairs, Interview, Joy, Joy 94.9, Media, News & Politics, Podcast, Society & Culture

Macca, Paul and Nevena discuss the new announcement that Paul Horwell is taking over from Macca as Joy Media's President.