Saturday Magazine

4 Oct 2014


News & Politics, Podcast, Society & Culture

One half of the Royal Daltons. JOY’s hit Drive program, Glen Dalton is our co-host today and Sammi Whitehead is in the big chair.

Federal Victorian Senator David Ljeyonhelm has put his marriage equality bill on hold – we ask him why. Richard Willingham from The Age, another of their State policies specialists gives us the lowdown on Victorian politics again as we head toward the November 29 poll. We shine the Community Spotlight on GLOBE and their community awards – even sneaking a plug in for our own nominee and host Sammi Whitehead and we speak with Kaz Mitchell about some of the work being done with women at the Victorian Aids Council.

Phillip Adams is a highly respected dance curator and creator of Ballet Lab – he and Bryce Ives join us to talk about their latest production, Love With It – a portrait of how we have lived through 30 years of HIV and AIDS. Matt Zeremes who is an actor and director joined us to talk about his new filk with fellow thespian and director, Guy Edmonds. The two played a gay couple (they are both straight) in the stage production of Holding The Man for a number of years.

super awesome

We chat exercise with Glen’s personal trainer – clearly doing some very good things – and we finished the program with NRL fanatic, Keyan Kramer who talked us through the north of the border code clash between the Rabbitohs and the Bulldogs. Money is on the romantic story of the Rabbitohs we think.