Saturday Magazine

20 Oct 2018

Misha Ketchell on the week’s happenings.

Current Affairs, News & Politics, Podcast, Society & Culture

Misha Ketchell on the week’s happenings.

Misha KetchellDoes the liberal party really represent wider Australian values? With the changes in pre-selection it seems like they are being ever dragged to the right. The liberals should be fundamentally for liberal economics but are so unwilling to form a coherent policy on climate change they are abandoning their economic and fiscal credibility.

The community cannot cope with continuing policy on the run, people are frustrated and trust in politicians is at an all time low, just when we desperately need unified and focused leadership.

Editor of The Conversation @ConversationEDU, Misha Ketchell @mishaketch discusses all this and more




Saturday 31st, August, 2024: Josh Burns, MP MacNamara Census Exclusion Backflip

2 Sep 2024

Saturday 31st, August, 2024: Josh Burns, MP MacNamara Census Exclusion Backflip

Current Affairs, Interview, Joy, Joy 94.9, Joy Media, Media, News & Politics, Podcast, Saturday Magazine, Society & Culture

Macca and Nevena talk to Josh Burns, MP MacNamara Census Exclusion Backflip. Victorian backbencher Josh Burns said on Thursday afternoon that ...

Saturday, 31st, August, 2024: Anna Brown, Equality Australia Census Exclusion Backflip

2 Sep 2024

Saturday, 31st, August, 2024: Anna Brown, Equality Australia Census Exclusion Backflip

Current Affairs, Gender, Health, History, Interview, Joy, Joy 94.9, JOY 94.9, Joy Media, Joy Media, Media, News & Politics, Podcast, Saturday Magazine, Society & Culture

Nevena and Macca talk to Anna Brown, Equality Australia Census Exclusion Backflip The federal government on Sunday, 25th August, 2024,  confirmed ...