Saturday Magazine

19 Sep 2022

Chip le Grand, journalist at The Age, new book, Lockdown.

Current Affairs, Interview, Joy, News & Politics

Chip le Grand, journalist at The Age, new book, Lockdown.


Chip is a Walkley-award winning writer and has worked across various media organizations. He is currently the chief reporter for The Age where he has written and researched more than 100 articles about the pandemic restrictions and their impact.

Chip’s book is an eye-opening revelation about what was really going on behind the daily statistics, government spin, media headlines and polarising public debate – and why and how we can’t let this happen again.

The book is informed by Chip’s unique access to the decision makers inside Australia’s COVID response; the politicians, bureaucrats, and scientific and health advisers. It includes exclusive interviews with experts such as Dr David Nabarro, the World Health Organization’s special envoy on COVID and is coloured by stories from his fellow dog-walkers of Melbourne (within his 5km radius of course) who provided a daily litmus test on the cultural, social, economic and health impact of lockdown on his fellow citizens.

It is an easy and alarming read. And the publication (by Monash University Publishing) of Lockdown is pertinent to current national conversations around COVID and ongoing pandemic public safety orders, especially on the back of the recently released Norton report (covid-deaths in Aged Care) and Coates inquiry (handling of the hotel-quarantine breaches)

