Saturday Magazine

28 Jul 2024

Saturday 27th July,2024: Aiv Puglielli, Greens MP for North East Metro; The Rise in Synthetic Opioids

Current Affairs, Interview, Joy, JOY 94.9, Joy 94.9, Joy Media, Joy Media, Media, News & Politics, Podcast, Saturday Magazine, Society & Culture

Saturday 27th July,2024: Aiv Puglielli, Greens MP for North East Metro; The Rise in Synthetic Opioids

Macca and Fiona are joined in the studio by Aiv Puglielli, Greens MP for North East Metro.

Aiv Puglielli, Greens MP for North east Metro

The rise in synthetic opioids and Greens renewed calls for safe injecting rooms. Aiv is the drug harm reduction portfolio holder

It’s quite topical and sad after the news from the inquest into the tragic death of a 15-year old boy were released this week.

As well as the other week, four people who tragically died in Broadmeadows were found to have synthetic opioids in their systems:

And expert bodies coming out saying that we need to do more to combat this crisis:



Saturday 27th July, 2024 Sarah Polkinghorne, PhD, RMIT, State Library of Victoria Controversy of ‘Neutrality’

28 Jul 2024

Saturday 27th July, 2024 Sarah Polkinghorne, PhD, RMIT, State Library of Victoria Controversy of ‘Neutrality’

Current Affairs, Interview, Joy, Joy 94.9, Joy Media, Media, News & Politics, Podcast, Saturday Magazine, Society & Culture

Macca and Fiona talk to Sarah Polkinghorne, PhD,Research Fellow, Social Change Enabling Impact Platform, Research and Innovation Portfolio, School of Global, ...