Saturday Magazine

6 Sep 2014

Balls to Facism

News & Politics, Society & Culture

Journalist and broadcaster, the fabulous Shannon Reid joined Pete Dillon this week to cover some big news and current affairs.  They kicked off with Dorothy Hisgrove, General Manager, People and Community from the AFL, the most senior woman in the code, to talk about the AFL publicly barracking for marriage equality and we had to ask about the acceptance of a gay player or players in the AFL were they brave enough to come out. State coalition MP Simon Ramsay talked us through a report into the Ice epidemic in the state and we shared a tear at the death of comedic superstar and big gay icon, Joan Rivers.

The campaign director for RUOK Day, Rebecca Lewis made sure we were okay while Elliot Costello (son of Rev. Tim Costello) put YGAP into the Community Spotlight.

Rod Quantock got very naughty as we had a look at the Fringe Festival – he didn’t want to leave in the end, and Emma Stirling of Scoop Nutrition gave us the low down on super foods and quick loss weight diets – for all those who wanted to look good in a swimming cossie this summer. Sports broadcaster Angela Pippos previewed the potential winners and losers in the AFL finals series and served us a few lobs for the US Open Tennis Championships from Flushing Meadow in New York.