Saturday Magazine

28 Jul 2024

Saturday 27th July, 2024; Andrew Ford, BC RN’s The Music Show. New book The Shortest History of Music

Current Affairs, Joy, Joy 94.9, JOY 94.9, Joy Media, Media, Music, News & Politics, Podcast, Saturday Magazine, Society & Culture

Saturday 27th July, 2024;  Andrew Ford, BC RN’s The Music Show. New book The Shortest History of Music

Fiona and Macca talk to Broadcaster Andrew Ford, presenter on ABC RN’s The Music Show.

The psychologist Steven Pinker famously described music as “auditory cheesecake” – pleasant to consume, but not important. Generations of humans would disagree, and Andy’s book explores what music has meant to people throughout history.
– Andy considers how changing technology and techniques have influenced music. What were the first musical instruments? How did music change once musicians could write down their compositions using musical notation? How has modern recording technology changed how we make and listen to music?
 If music could be translated into words, we probably wouldn’t need music. What does it provide that other forms of expression don’t?
 As a composer himself, Andy has a knack for describing the physical and emotional experience of making and listening to music. He draws on his remarkably wide knowledge of different musical styles to take the reader on a guided tour of music-making through the ages.
Andrew Ford OAM is one of Australia’s most knowledgeable and beloved composers and music broadcasters. In this book, he traces the history of music from its earliest origins to the present day, including the gurgling of a baby and music for ceremony, notation, modernism and music as rebellion, music as a commodity in the open house and concert halls to modern pop music. He even covers the era of reproduction, recording and streaming. 
Andrew has been a composer-in-residence for the Australian Chamber Orchestra, the Australian National Academy of Music and the Australian Festival of Chamber Music, and he’s a presenter on ABC RN’s The Music Show. 


Saturday 27th July, 2024 Sarah Polkinghorne, PhD, RMIT, State Library of Victoria Controversy of ‘Neutrality’

28 Jul 2024

Saturday 27th July, 2024 Sarah Polkinghorne, PhD, RMIT, State Library of Victoria Controversy of ‘Neutrality’

Current Affairs, Interview, Joy, Joy 94.9, Joy Media, Media, News & Politics, Podcast, Saturday Magazine, Society & Culture

Macca and Fiona talk to Sarah Polkinghorne, PhD,Research Fellow, Social Change Enabling Impact Platform, Research and Innovation Portfolio, School of Global, ...