Saturday Magazine

2 Sep 2024

Saturday 31st, August, 2024; Is Misogyny a form of Extremism? Dr Josh Roose, Associate Professor of Politics at Deakin University

Current Affairs, Interview, Joy, Joy 94.9, Joy Media, Media, News & Politics, Podcast, Saturday Magazine, Society & Culture

Saturday 31st, August, 2024; Is Misogyny a form of Extremism? Dr Josh Roose, Associate Professor of Politics at Deakin University

Nevana and Macca talk to Dr Josh Roose, Should misogyny be treated as a form of extremism?

Dr Josh Roose is a political sociologist and Associate Professor of Politics at the Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation at Deakin University, Melbourne. His research focuses on the intersection of politics, law, sociology, and religion with an emphasis on political and religious violent extremism and terrorism.

“The rise of misogynist attitudes among Australian boys occurs alongside an existing crisis — endemic levels of gender-based violence and murder perpetrated against women. Researchers have long argued  that gendered violence and violence informed by extremist ideology, such as terrorism or mass casualty attacks, are inextricably connected.

Increased exposure to misogynist content is a concern not only for its potential to harm, but also for its connection to other forms of extremism. Recent research  on violent extremism in Australia found that individuals who hold misogynist attitudes are more likely to support other types of violent extremism. This report also noted that gendered biases are overlooked as pathways to radicalisation and violent extremism”

“There have been concerted efforts  to improve markers of gender equity in Australia. But backlash to the project of gender equity and efforts to eradicate gender-based violence continues”.



Saturday 31st, August, 2024; Susanne Newton, City of Darebin Mayor, ‘Supporting E-Scooters’

2 Sep 2024

Saturday 31st, August, 2024; Susanne Newton, City of Darebin Mayor, ‘Supporting E-Scooters’

Current Affairs, Interview, Joy, Joy 94.9, JOY 94.9, Joy Media, Joy Media, Media, News & Politics, Podcast, Saturday Magazine, Society & Culture

Nevena and Macca talk to Susanne Newton, City of Darebin Mayor, 'Supporting E-Scooters'. Inner Melbourne councils are putting pressure on the ...