Sci-Fi & Squeam

24 Sep 2013

Episode # 184 : Cut to the Chase – Horror Queens, Sushi and the Demise of Dexter….

Society & Culture, TV & Film

scream queens next gen for podcast

In the studio it’s all about Scream Queens: Old Gen & now Next Gen.

The Squeamer discusses with her twisted peers : Brendan Bale, Bailey O’Neill and Sammi Marasco about which ones we all think are the BEST of the new crop of Scream Princesses……hmmmm who do we choose from the old guard and now especially the new guard?

Well listen in to find OUT! …and what is with Home and Away and Scream Queens??

Bailey’s A to Z of Horror is the most squeamish of all so far…as it is a introduction to the terror that is J Horror. Japanese Horror is very savoury…and it’s all in the soy sauce it seems…and we are NOT talking sushi!

Plus a new contributor guests arrives! Sammi Marasco to share her thoughts on that long, and most beloved serial killer saviour TV series Dexter and it’s controversial finale!! What does Sammi think?

It’s all in this podcast, so listen to find out!

It’s a spooky, delish, and un-PC squeam of a time in this show, with a quiet future contributor in the sidelines….. so enjoy if you dare!

Muah ha ha ha….




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