Sci-Fi & Squeam

2 Jan 2015

Oz Comic Con 2014 : Lolita Fatjo, a Voyager

TV & Film

Looking back at the past year, 2014, at interviews with some amazing peoples, including this one, a chat with a Star Trek mainstay and manager of those involved with the franchise, Lolita Fatjo talks to The Squeamer about her work in the Star Trek verse from in front of the camera and behind the camera, and what it is to be a woman in the TV industry.

‘With her years of working on 3 of the  Star Trek series , Lolita Fatjo has built good working relationships with many of the stars of those series. For several years, now, Lolita’s been heavily involved in the convention world both as a guest and as manager for these stars’ appearances.’

This interview was one of the many, thanks to Oz Comic Con, held in Melbourne, 2014



…and the power you possess

5 Jun 2017

…and the power you possess

Comics, feminism, Geek, Queer, Society & Culture, TV & Film

What film could raise the undead from their coffin? Wonder Woman and here is Claytox's review. 

Final Girl

3 Apr 2017

Final Girl

Comics, cult, feminism, Geek, Horror Films, Melbourne Queer Comic Club, Queer, Society & Culture, TV & Film

All good they say. Sci Fi and Squeam Undead farewells our one and only 'Squeamer' Sonja Hammer. After an ...

It’s Head in a Wall Time

28 Mar 2017

It’s Head in a Wall Time

cult, Geek, Queer, Society & Culture, TV & Film, Uncategorized

Claytox reviews the latest popcorn film offering, Saban's Power Rangers.