Sci-Fi & Squeam

22 May 2015

The Second Breakfast: Interview with Ari Kleiman on Partisan

Music, Society & Culture, TV & Film

In the JOY 949 studio for The Second Breakfast Sonja Hammer speaks to Ariel Kleiman director of a new Aussie film Partisan.

Partisan Image with Bike


The film stars renown French actor Vincent Cassel who plays the part of a man called Gregori who wants to control everything and everyone around him, and the danger that can lead to especially for a young boy called Alex ( newcomer Jeremy Chabriel ). Gregori grows this cult/community from nothing and builds a kind of utopia ( or so it seems) mainly made up of children and women.

But, yes, all is not paradise:

‘Alexander is like any other kid: playful, curious and naive. He is also a trained assassin. Raised in a hidden paradise on the outskirts of town, Alexander has grown up seeing the world through the eyes of his father, Gregori. As Alexander begins to think for himself, creeping fears take shape and Gregori’s idyllic world unravels.’

What is this new Aussie film , so highly anticipated, really about? Is it about War and it’s aftermath, Eastern European politics ? Is it about the never ending cycle of Patriarchy and male domination over children and women? ?  Is it an ‘any world’ ‘never never land’ fable about growing up in a isolated  world and the dangerous implications of that ?

Find out a little more about this movie from the director himself Ariel Kleiman in this podcast , and when it comes out in cinemas May 28th go see it for yourself!

PARTISAN website click here !

Ari and Me



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