Sci-Fi & Squeam

31 Oct 2014

Lady Heroes: The Geek Girl Speak! Debrief.

Society & Culture

So here it is the DEBRIEF Geek Girl Speak! At Armageddon Expo Oct the 18th @2.35 pm (approx) the Ladies of the Nerd gathered for photos and a unwind and a post-panel chat about how they thought the 1st ever FEMALE ONLY pop-culture panel went at the FIRST ‘Fan Stage’ at Armageddon…so What did they think? and WHAT next for them? Ideas? Thoughts? Musings? HOW was the audience? How do they Feel ? Challenges? well only ONE way to find out...LISTEN to the Podcast !

Thanks to Chloe Stannard for the interview and to Sebastian Mittelman for the Video and Pix ! and to JOY 949 for all the support and Armageddon Expo and all the Vollies!

Laura and Dr Emma 1Lady Nerds debrief 1

Jen and Lisa-Skye 1

And here is PART # 1 of the video of the LIVE event on stage at Armageddon : Part 2 is coming soon….


with  Jen Cummings, Laura Crawford, Sonja Hammer, Dr Emma Beddows and Lisa-Skye!


Arma GGS Debrief 1


…and the power you possess

5 Jun 2017

…and the power you possess

Comics, feminism, Geek, Queer, Society & Culture, TV & Film

What film could raise the undead from their coffin? Wonder Woman and here is Claytox's review. 

Final Girl

3 Apr 2017

Final Girl

Comics, cult, feminism, Geek, Horror Films, Melbourne Queer Comic Club, Queer, Society & Culture, TV & Film

All good they say. Sci Fi and Squeam Undead farewells our one and only 'Squeamer' Sonja Hammer. After an ...

It’s Head in a Wall Time

28 Mar 2017

It’s Head in a Wall Time

cult, Geek, Queer, Society & Culture, TV & Film, Uncategorized

Claytox reviews the latest popcorn film offering, Saban's Power Rangers.