Spoken Word

20 Jun 2024

Spoken Word: Episode 46: Georgia Ketels, Recollection-New Queer Theatre Experience

Arts, Fashion & Beauty, History, James WF Roberts, Joy Media, Joy94.9, Literature, Natural Sciences, Performing Arts, Sexuality, Spoken Word, Theatre, Visual Arts

Spoken Word: Episode 46: Georgia Ketels, Recollection-New Queer Theatre Experience
James is joined live in the studio by Georgia Ketels, a queer playwright, artist and producer living on Boonwurrung country in Naarm (Melbourne). She writes intimate science fiction stories about human adaptation, with a focus on feminine themes and humanity. Graduating from VCA’s Bachelor of Fine Arts (Screenwriting) in 2019, George has written for Voiceworks and Verve Magazine. Georgia produced the short VR film IOPU (MIFF 2020), co-wrote and produced found-footage horror series Ancient Answering (2023), and associate produced queer AFL series Become the One (2023). Her first play, Recollection, premieres at fortyfivedownstairs in June of 2024. She is currently writing her second play.
Offering a sensory experience for audiences, this new queer play captures the journey of a mother, attempting to recreate the scent of her daughter as a perfume.
At key moments, custom-designed scents will be incorporated into the theatrical space, bridging the abstract nature of grief with the tangible aroma of memories, as the smells of fruits, spices, leather, dirt and skin synthesise into the full picture of a person.
How do you hold onto the scent of someone who’s gone?
Recollection is supported by the City of Melbourne Arts Grants, the University of Melbourne Faculty of Fine Arts and Music and Ms. Beck Wilkinson, and Pride Foundation Australia. Creative Development Support by Next Wave.


Spoken Word: Episode 46: Georgia Ketels, Recollection-New Queer Theatre Experience

20 Jun 2024

Spoken Word: Episode 46: Georgia Ketels, Recollection-New Queer Theatre Experience

Arts, Fashion & Beauty, History, James WF Roberts, Joy Media, Joy94.9, Literature, Natural Sciences, Performing Arts, Sexuality, Spoken Word, Theatre, Visual Arts

James is joined live in the studio by Georgia Ketels, a queer playwright, artist and producer living on Boonwurrung country in ...

Spoken Word: Episode 44: She-Wolf of Baker Street by Narrelle M. Harris

21 May 2024

Spoken Word: Episode 44: She-Wolf of Baker Street by Narrelle M. Harris

Arts, James WF Roberts, Joy Media, Joy94.9, Literature, Performing Arts, Philosophy, Podcasting, Sexuality, Spoken Word

James is joined live in the studio for this episode of Spoken Word, by Narelle M. Harris, author of the ...