The I in Us

16 May 2024

The I in Us: Suzannah, Rik and Leo(Part 3)

Education, Higher Education, Hobbies, Local, Society & Culture

The I in Us:  Suzannah, Rik and Leo(Part 3)

Meet very special guest to this week’s The I in Us when Paul and Little Jase welcome Leo, son to Suzannah and Rik, to the program.

Life “felt very normal to me when I was growing up.”(Leo on The I in Us, part 3, 3rd April 2024).  Leo did not know about his intersex variation, Klinefelter syndrome, until he was ten years of age.  In this episode Leo speaks about his relationship with his sister and partner, and with his brother.  Were these relationships positive and happy for Leo?  Did Leo experience any difficulty with relationships within the family unit?  Leo and his parents chat about these relationships during this episode.

Also in this episode,  the team chat about Leo’s education, particularly through high school.   Leo also embarked upon some Arrowsmith cognitive exercises.  Find out how these exercises assisted Leo.  He progressed through high school without the need for a special curriculum.

Learn about Leo’s various hobbies.  What does he enjoy?

This segment of today’s The I in Us delves into Leo’s education and hobbies.  It certainly is a definite must hear.

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The I In Us is presented by Paul Byrne-Moroney and Jason Turner each Wednesday Night at 7
Suzanne, Rick and Leo were guests of The I In Us on Wednesday April 3, 2024
JOY 94.9 – Out.Loud.Proud – Your Voice – Your Radio Station

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