The I in Us

24 Jul 2024

The I in Us: Stephanie Vaughan

Sexuality, Society & Culture

The I in Us:  Stephanie Vaughan

Stephanie Vaughan:  Intersex woman had her truth hidden from her for 50 years

There is so much to learn about the subject of intersex tonight.  Come, tune into another powerful, absorbing and educational episode of The I in Us.  Our fabulous hosts, Paul and Little Jase chat to Stephanie Vaughan, special guest on tonight’s program.

Born in Yorkshire United Kingdom in 1961, Stephanie became aware that she was different as a young child, especially about gender.  Instead of entering a male puberty, she developed as a female.  She was lied to both by her parents and medical professionals.

Stephanie emigrated to Western Australia in 2006.    While being treated for a thyroid issue in 2012, it was discovered she was producing an abnormally huge amount of oestrogen.  When she returned to the U.K to obtain her medical records,  she was handed records which had been highly censored.  When she returned to Australia, her GP referred her to a Gender Specialist who informed her that she is intersex/hermaphrodite.  Stephanie was born with both male and female genitalia and was surgically modified at birth.  Listen as she describes her lengthy, somewhat rocky, road to becoming her authentic self:  Stephanie Vaughan.  Hear about the complications she experienced along the way, including during her school years.  At what age did she find out the truth about her birth?

Find out what measures Stephanie took to become her authentic self and at what age.  In 2021 she published a book and entitled it  “HALF HIM HALF HER.”  Her book covers her difficult journey and raises awareness of intersex and transgender people.  She chats about her book during this  episode of The I in Us.  Her ongoing passion now is to raise awareness of the many challenges facing intersex and transgender people.

This truly intriguing episode is an absolute must.


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Don’t forget to tune into JOY 94.9 next Wednesday at 7pm for another exciting episode of The I in Us.

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The I in Us:  Stephanie Vaughan

24 Jul 2024

The I in Us: Stephanie Vaughan

Sexuality, Society & Culture

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