The Informer

6 Sep 2016

Same Sex and Gender diverse Adoption arrives – on a Motorbike?

Government & Organisations, Kids & Family, News & Politics, Sexuality, Society & Culture

same same parenting

The same-sex adoption bill that was passed last year has came into effect on the 1st of September.

COUPLES can now jointly adopt in Victoria regardless of their sex or gender identity, though there is still no legal certainty for children born through overseas surrogacy.

Felicity Marlowe from the Rainbow Families Council joins us on The informer to discuss the changes to the Adoption Act and Ro Allen, Victoria’s Gender and Sexuality Commissioner gives us her take on surrogacy adoptions not covered in this legislation.

Senior Constable Janie Lambert talks with us about the recent spike in motorcycle deaths on Victoria’s roads and the President of Dykes on Bikes tells us why we should sling a leg over and get on a motorbike.


dyke on bike


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