The Informer

10 Aug 2017

August 10, 2017: Journo’s Corner with Archer Magazine’s Amy Middleton and The Age’s Broede Carmody

Media, Media, News & Politics

August 10, 2017: Journo’s Corner with Archer Magazine’s Amy Middleton and The Age’s Broede Carmody
On tonight’s Journo’s Corner Archer Magazine’s Amy Middleton and The Age’s Broede Carmody join Shannon Power to talk about the big news topics from a queer perspective.
Tonight was a big show with our journo’s talking marriage equality and how to make the best decisions about how to look after yourself amidst the debate. And also how to educate yourself to make the right decisions for your and your family.
They all agreed it is very important for everyone to update their enrollment or enrol to vote immediately.
This week was the 23rd anniversary of the Tasty nightclub raid. It was supposed to be a safe place for gay men to hang out. Across cities like London and Sydney, LGBTI venues are closing down at a rapid rate. What is a queer space? Is it just bars and nightclubs? Do we have enough spaces for LGBTI people in Australia?
Finally, this week one of the biggest K-Pop groups in Korea featured members of the LGBTI community in its new music video.
To put into context how popular they are in Asia, think about how big the Spice Girls were in the 90s. They are huge. While it’s not illegal to be gay in Korea, life for LGBTI people can be very hard and the topic is taboo.  Is it cool for musicians to include LGBTI people in their performance? Is it helpful or just trendy set dressing?


Religious Discrimination Bill legalises discrimination opponents say | MQFF rebuffs calls to cut film funded by Israeli gov | The Informer – 25 Nov 2021

25 Nov 2021

Religious Discrimination Bill legalises discrimination opponents say | MQFF rebuffs calls to cut film funded by Israeli gov | The Informer – 25 Nov 2021


– The federal government has tabled its long-awaited Religious Discrimination Bill. The legislation would weaken some existing protections for LGBTQIA+ ...