The Informer

19 Oct 2017

Intersex Human Rights at Parliament House, Trans POV & the AFL’s decision, & collaborating for a YES Vote with GETUP! : 19th October 2017

Education, Government & Organisations, intersex, Media, National, News & Politics, Professional, Society & Culture, Sports & Recreation, the informer, World News

Intersex Human Rights at Parliament House, Trans POV & the AFL’s decision, & collaborating for a YES Vote with GETUP! : 19th October 2017

In this episode we follow up on an interview that we were unable to air during our previous episode as TRANS POV host Michelle Sheppard weighs in with Dan and Cait on the realities of seeing an openly trans sports player Hannah Mounsey blocked from playing in the AWFL from the perspective of a a member of the trans community, rather than CIS individuals adding to the commentary.

But first up we head to Canberra, where earlier today at Parliament House, 8 intersex human rights activists were part of a special breakfast with Senators and Members of Parliament where they talked about the realities of Intersex people in Australia, and the surgeries that are still happening, and need to stop.

What have been the difficulties getting the simple message of Vote YES across during the postal survey? The Informers Dan Roberts spoke to Kirsti from GetUp! about the role they have played throughout the postal Survey and how GetUp! have collaborated and communicated with other organisations campaigning for the Yes Vote.

This episode of the Informer was hosted by Dean Arcuri & Matthew Wade


Religious Discrimination Bill legalises discrimination opponents say | MQFF rebuffs calls to cut film funded by Israeli gov | The Informer – 25 Nov 2021

25 Nov 2021

Religious Discrimination Bill legalises discrimination opponents say | MQFF rebuffs calls to cut film funded by Israeli gov | The Informer – 25 Nov 2021


– The federal government has tabled its long-awaited Religious Discrimination Bill. The legislation would weaken some existing protections for LGBTQIA+ ...