The Informer

23 Oct 2017

The kids are OK, Marriage Equality Flash Mob & the final countdown for the postal vote : 23rd October 2017

Health, Kids & Family, Marriage Equality, Media, Media, Medicine, Mental Health, News & Politics, Performing Arts, Science & Medicine, Sexuality, Society & Culture, the informer, World News

The kids are OK, Marriage Equality Flash Mob & the final countdown for the postal vote : 23rd October 2017


You only have 5 days to get your postal vote into the mail to make sure it can be counted in the national survey into same sex marriage. While the survey deadline isn’t this week there is a postal deadline to ensure that all surveys can arrive to the ABS on time. We’ve talked about this a lot here on The Informer and on the station, so rather than say it again, we thought we’d let Will Stracke from the Trades Unionist do that for us, as she spoke at the Equal Love Rally in Melbourne this weekend


As the marriage equality debate continues, misinformation is circulating in the public domain that children and adolescents with same-sex parents are at risk of poorer health and wellbeing than other children.

Australia’s top paediatricians reviewed the evidence, published in the Medical Journal of Australia, titled The kids are OK: it is discrimination not same-sex parents that harms children, and found that children raised in same-sex parented families do as well as children raised by heterosexual couple parents, senior author of the journal Professor Frank Oberklaid joins us and discusses this.

It’s not really news to our community. We’ve known it for a while, but the marriage equality debate has seen young people brought into the firing line and thrown under the bus as they are used as fodder in the NO Campaigns rhetoric as they continue to attack the validity of gender fluid young people and families of same sex parents.

At yesterday’s Marriage Equality Rally in Melbourne, nine-year-old Alex Bradshaw-Allen took to the stage alongside her mother, Ro Allen, the Victorian Commissioner for Gender and Sexuality, and with the added permission from her other mother Kaye Bradshaw, she had something she wanted to say.



It wasn’t just the marriage equality rallies that were going on in Melbourne Yesterday, with a Flash mob for equality happening at Federation Square.

40 flash mobers, who were members of the LGBTIQ community and allies surprised breakfast groups and tourist as they burst from a singing Same Love to a dance to rainbow drag number with countless clips of music that shared pride and the spirit of our communities.



Religious Discrimination Bill legalises discrimination opponents say | MQFF rebuffs calls to cut film funded by Israeli gov | The Informer – 25 Nov 2021

25 Nov 2021

Religious Discrimination Bill legalises discrimination opponents say | MQFF rebuffs calls to cut film funded by Israeli gov | The Informer – 25 Nov 2021


– The federal government has tabled its long-awaited Religious Discrimination Bill. The legislation would weaken some existing protections for LGBTQIA+ ...