Transgender Warriors

11 Sep 2019

Transgender Warriors Local Hero Edition: Kochava Lilit

activism, disability, JOY 94.9, lgbtiq, Local Hero, non-binary, Performing Arts, training, transgender


Kochava Lilit is a queer and disability rights activist who absolutely loves being autistic, ADHD, and Jewish. Their culture and heritage is an inextricable part of their activism and identity. Kochava has performed at the Melbourne Writes’ Festival, spoken about queer rights and culture at the United Nations.

We interview Kochava about their disability activism, trans advocacy in the youth and gender diverse organisation Ygender, the experience of being Jewish in queer spaces, and the role that gender plays in access to diagnoses and support for autism, ADHD and neurodiversity. We also take a deep-dive into the political situation for trans and gender diverse folks in Australia today.

You can follow Kochava on twitter at @QueerJewishCrip

Kochava is one of several people running Queer and Trans Inclusion Training for Disability Communities (run by Ygender) on 25 September and 5 October 2019.

Ygender is a peer led social support and advocacy group for trans/gender diverse people. Find out more about what they do.

Track list:

Jerusalem, New York, Berlin by Vampire Weekend

Playing D&D by SJ Tucker

March of the Jobless Corps by Daniel Kahn

Secrets by Mary Lambert



Transgender Warriors: Fury

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Transgender Warriors: Fury

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Transgender Warriors: Simona Castricum

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Transgender Warriors: Simona Castricum

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Libraries Special Episode with Clare O’Hanlon and Anne Rowlands

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Libraries Special Episode with Clare O’Hanlon and Anne Rowlands

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