Been There Done That

13 Dec 2016

Birthdays, Wright(s) & Whitehead, Darwin & Wallace, Space Junk

Anniversary, Bisexual, Gay, History, Icons, Inventions, Lesbian, Nature, Science, Space

Birthdays, Wright(s) & Whitehead, Darwin & Wallace, Space Junk

This week we acknowledge the birthdays of LGB identities Dr Kerryn Phelps AM, former AMA President, a GP, local politician and professor teaching medicine; Reg Livermore actor; current pop star and great ambassador for our community Anthony Callea and bisexual Korean/American comedian Margaret Cho.

In world history, we examine how historical events sometimes get distorted when fame and fortunes are sought in deference to celebrating the truth. We note that the claim of being first to fly a heavier-than-air aeroplane (currently considered to be the US Wright Brothers) is disputed by counter-claims by Gustave Whitehead who flew much earlier. History ‘loses’ Whitehead’s story.

Our second example of loss of fame concerns Alfred Wallace who actually provided many of the theories on evolution by his own discoveries, and who jointly publicly presented common findings with Charles Darwin. But it is Wallace’s name which has faded from memory.

We record how man is trashing the Earth with pollution and overpopulation, nuclear poisons, denuding the soil and fouling the seas. Now man is abusing the earth’s atmosphere and near space with all manner of space junk.

Plus some trivia and mirth and much more ….


Show Number 850 … give us a break !

9 Apr 2019

Show Number 850 … give us a break !

Diversity, Gay, History, HIV, Pop Culture

Yes – Show number 850 – a good reason to have a bit of a break - for four months ...

I heard it on the grapevine …

27 Mar 2019

I heard it on the grapevine …

Community, Diversity, Gay, HIV, Pop Culture

We welcome Will to the program for his second show while Gordon is away on the high seas. Chris tells of ...

What is reality … ?

20 Mar 2019

What is reality … ?

Disasters, Gay, History, Space

While Gordon is on the high seas, we welcome Will to the program for 2 shows, and he will share ...