Ben & Gabe
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Ben and Gabe have been serving up Wednesday Breakfast at JOY for 18 months and their on-air chemistry is at its climax! Never before has a team with such little knowledge about anything, been so eager to talk about current affairs like Global Warming, Pop Culture and American Politics.
Once described as ‘excessively happy for six in the morning’, their devilish charm will shimmy its way into your heart.
Ben Hull: JOY-lebrity, style guru, comic and the brain child of Joan Rivers and Liza Minnelli.
Gabe Hogan: Comedian and self-described idiot, she’s about as predictable as Melbourne’s weather.
Also featuring the international man of mystery, James Montgomery, at the News Desk.
Like iconic duos, Lady and The Tramp, Thelma and Louise, and Trump and Putin: Ben and Gabe will eat from the bin, drive you off a cliff and take donations from questionable sources.
Anything to keep you entertained!