Family Matters

23 Oct 2018

Rainbow Families – Adoption

Kids & Family, Literature, Sexuality

Rainbow Families – Adoption

Family Matters are joined by the author of a new kids picture book, Same but different Too, Chris Laxton-Badley.

The picture book is about same sex couples with adopted children through social services while educating its readers about different types of families.

Chris joins us with husband Sean to discuss the book and their parenting journey.




About Chris: While born and raised in Melbourne Australia, Chris met his partner Sean in England on a backpacking adventure, where they fell in love before moving back to Melbourne.

After ten long years an starting to feel detached from Australia they decided to move back to England. In that time they discussed starting a family and felt adoption was a great way forward for them. It wasn’t long until they were placed with a sibling group of three children who transformed and enriched their existence in many ways.

Five years later, the now married couple decided they would like to raise their children in Melbourne Australia. This book is about same sex couples with adopted children through social services while educating its readers about different types of families.

Same but different Too: The Colourful Life  Kobi is back with another great story to tell. However this time it’s not about his family, it’s about his friend’s family.  Lee is Kobi’s friend and he is multi-heritage just like Kobi. Lee is adopted and he has two dads.  This book explores different types of families and provides the reader with some examples of how families can be different, while also having some things in common.  Lee and his classmates learn to accept that families can be the same, but different, and every family deserves respect.



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