Driving You Mad, Driving You Crazy

29 Aug 2015

B is for Brent

Arts, Comedy, Community, Music

B is for Brent

Brent 2013Sue probes David’s allergies and driving abilities and the Crazy Duo perform their hillbilly act. All the while, David and Sue compile an alphabet of listener names. What name is the most popular? Will Ernie rate? The list naturally (or not!) leads into the songs played in the last hour.

Former podcaster Brent visits the studio for a teary farewell before sailing overseas with whatever worldy goods are left after his garage sales and tip trips. Wow! Tasmania!
From the Friday Drive Team …. Best wishes, Brent, as you begin a new life of domestic bliss with your adored man  Grant! Thank you for everything you’ve done for Friday Drive.

Fiona Scott-Norman, vinyl collector extraordinaire, comes in to talk about her new show The Needle and the Damage Done, a top ten of the worst records in the world. Catch Fiona at the Butterfly Club, 1-6 September.

Last but not least, Happy 180th Birthday to this great city of ours. Celebrate Melbourne Day on 30 August.


Thank You from David and Sue

20 Jun 2020

Thank You from David and Sue

Comedy, Community, Uncategorized

If you're not all that into podcasts, here's a couple of minutes just for you …. David and Sue say THANK ...

David and Sue’s last commute

20 Jun 2020

David and Sue’s last commute

Comedy, Community, crazy mad talking hour

Here it is, the very last Driving You Mad Driving You Crazy Friday Drive with David and Sue. As promised, ...

Friday Drive – DYMDYC

13 Jun 2020

Friday Drive – DYMDYC

Comedy, crazy mad talking hour

Rude gas, tattoos, greeting cards, chim chiminey chim chiminey chimneysweeps, tattoos, art at Manyung Gallery amongst the fun and dangerous ...