Saturday Magazine

25 Oct 2014

In Memoriam – Gough Whitlam

News & Politics, Podcast, Society & Culture

Its a sad week in Australia as we collectively mourn for former Prime Minister Gough Whitlam – there was grief on both sides of politics as we remember the great man and his short but tumultuous time as our Prime Minister. Lord Mayor Robert Doyle is joined by Macca in the big chair and Pete Dillon to eulogise the great man.


Speaking of great men, Political Giant the erudite Barry Jones joins us in the studio to talk about Gough – we wished he could stay all day – his vast knowledge and personal stories of Gough were fantastic.  We put Movember in the spotlight, with North Melbourne Football Club star Drew Petrie, and Jeremy Macvean from Movember to pop some hair on our lips and get some money in the piggy bank. (Sadly, our EP Pete Dillon thinks he can grow a moustache and make some money).

To history and literature, former ABC Chairman,  head of Soccer Australia, businessman and author, David Hill enlightens us to Australia’s history from settlement to federation as we have a long chat about his new book, The Making of Australia. A fascinating insight into our white, colonial past.

Everyone’s favourite vet, Dr Andrew Kapsis from Lort Smith gives us some sensible tips for keeping our pussies and pooches cool in the summer heat.

Newly engaged Alan Eskander,  part of the nightly Eskander bookmaking dynasty and entrepreneur crawled out of bed after his engagement party to give us some stories about racing and picking a winner during the Flemington Spring Carnival fun.

Giddy Up again!