Saturday Magazine
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Presented by David 'Macca' McCarthy & Nevena Spirovska
Email saturdaymagazine@joy.org.au
A unique mix of world news and queer culture, Saturday Magazine has been JOY Media’s longest running and flagship news and current affairs program since 1996. Featuring a weekly, in depth discussion of politics, LGBTIQA+ world events, current affairs, and culture, Saturday Magazine is an enlightening, thought provoking and informative weekend wake-up.
Hosted by David 'Macca' McCarthy and Nevena Spirovska, Executive Production by Fiona Brook, with occasional Guest Co Hosts. Saturday Magazine is two hours of essential listening live or streamed or on Podcast.
If you are in danger or If you need support or assistance:
- 1800 729 367 - Rainbow Door: LGBTIQA+ helpline and referral service.
- 1800 737 732 - 1800RESPECT: Family violence and sexual assault 24 hour telephone line.
- 000 - Victoria Police and Ambulance: For immediate response.
Podcaster: James