JOY Drive

2 Sep 2024

New AFLW General Manager, Emma More.

Sports & Recreation

New AFLW General Manager, Emma More.

The AFLW 2024 season starts this Friday night kicking off with Sydney hosting Collingwood at North Sydney Oval – the first time an AFLW season opener will be hosted outside of Victoria.

The season concludes on 30 November with the 2024 AFL Women’s Grand Final but not before we see 18 teams compete across an eleven-match home-and-away season in what is the ninth AFLW competition.

Guest: Emma Moore, General Manager AFLW.

Presenter: Warren Andrew


Heartwarming story: Baby Rhino born at Werribee Open Range Zoo

2 Sep 2024

Heartwarming story: Baby Rhino born at Werribee Open Range Zoo

Animals, Environment, News & Politics

Werribee Open Range Zoo are celebrating what’s been described as an “against the odds birth” of a baby rhino. The ...

TikTok: very demure, very mindful!

2 Sep 2024

TikTok: very demure, very mindful!

Popular Culture, Social Media

Edith Hill joins us each Wednesday to chat about what’s happening & what everyone is watching on Tik Tok! Guest: Dr ...

Does Ham cause diabetes?

2 Sep 2024

Does Ham cause diabetes?

Diet and Nutrition, Fitness & Nutrition, Health, News & Politics, Science & Medicine

That lunchtime staple, the humble ham sandwich, has come in for a bashing in the press recently. According to many reports, ...