Lefty Pinkoes

2 Jul 2013

Jason De Santis: Tiwi Islander, Gay, Actor, Playwright, Drag Queen, Irreverant Delight

Arts, Society & Culture

This Lefty Pinkoes podcast features a young, gay Tiwi Islander who is freakishly talented in the worlds of theatre, drag and the performing arts.

If you’ve never heard of the Tiwi Islands, they are a long way from the Joy studios in Melbourne. They ’float’ over 100 kilometres north of Darwin, surrounded by the sea and many, many fish.

Life and culture there can seem a world away, and so we’re both chuffed and grateful that our guest Jason De Santis makes like a bridge, no – a rainbow! – from his Tiwi world  to ours to talk about his gay identity, his Sistergirls and ‘Kentucky Fried Turtle’.

If you’ve never heard of the Tiwi Islands, have a listen…

We dedicate this Lefty Pinkoes podcast to Sam Wallman.



27 Jun 2015


Arts, Disability, Performer, Queer

Patrick is joined by 3 fabulous guests.  Kath Duncan, Jax Brown and Jarrod Marrinon are part of the disability performance ...

Diversity & Inclusion – LBT Women in the workplace

22 Jun 2015

Diversity & Inclusion – LBT Women in the workplace

Gender Diversity, Inclusive employers, Lesbian

In the second interview with Lin Surch from Pride in Diversity, Emma and Patrick discuss issues for transgender employees transitioning ...

LGBTIQ Diversity & Inclusion at Work

26 May 2015

LGBTIQ Diversity & Inclusion at Work

Gay, GLBTIQ, Inclusive employers, Lesbian, Transgender, What makes an ally

Emma and Patrick are joined by Lin Surch from Pride in Diversity to look at what employers are doing to ...