Saturday Magazine

27 Jan 2014

Social causes and the Oscars

News & Politics, Podcast

Social causes and the Oscars

Are the Oscars purely about which is the better film? Or is it sometimes a judgement on which social cause is more important and more popular? That is the question put to our two film critics on today’s show, Tara Judah and Stephen A. Russell. They join Macca and guest co-host Fiona Patten.

This year’s Oscar season will see, among many others, 12 Years a Slave up against Dallas Buyers Club for Best Picture. A few years ago saw a similar situation when Brokeback Mountain was nominated, a groundbreaking love story between two closeted men in the American west of the 1960s. It lost of-course to Crash, a story of racial tensions in Los Angeles. This year’s nominee, Dallas Buyers Club, tells the true story of an AIDS patient who smuggles unapproved pharmaceutical drugs into Texas. But it faces stiff competition from all its fellow nominees, including 12 Years a Slave, an adaptation of the 1855 memoir by Solomon Northup.

Sadly, this edition of the program marks Tara’s final segment before she takes off on a marathon film festival tour across all pockets of the globe. Stephen A Russell steps into the critic’s chair, ensuring Saturday Magazine’s cinema ticket remains in safe hands.

What are your Oscar predictions? Does Dallas Buyers Club have a chance? Let us know over at the Saturday Magazine Facebook page.