Saturday Magazine

19 May 2024

Saturday 18th May, 2024: Dechlan Brennan, Plea to Victorian Govt. Exorbitant Cost of Prisoner Phone Calls

Current Affairs, History, Interview, Joy, JOY 94.9, Joy 94.9, Joy Media, Joy Media, Media, News & Politics, Podcast, Saturday Magazine, Society & Culture

Saturday 18th May, 2024: Dechlan Brennan, Plea to Victorian Govt. Exorbitant Cost of Prisoner Phone Calls

Nevena and Fiona are joined live in the studio by Dechlan Brennan, ppen letter urges Victorian government to cover the “exorbitant” cost of prisoner phone calls

A coalition of legal and community groups used Mother’s Day to call for the Victorian government to fully fund the cost of phone calls for incarcerated people.

In an open letter addressed to the Treasurer, the Minister for Corrections, and the Minister for Children, the thirteen organisations said they were disappointed there was no funding in the recent state budget to subsidise calls for prisoners.

This is despite the Yoorrook Justice Commission recommending in their interim report last year that Aboriginal prisoners be able to “make telephone calls for free or at no greater cost than the general community”.


Saturday, 20th July, 2024; New Joy President Announcement

22 Jul 2024

Saturday, 20th July, 2024; New Joy President Announcement

Current Affairs, Interview, Joy, Joy 94.9, Media, News & Politics, Podcast, Society & Culture

Macca, Paul and Nevena discuss the new announcement that Paul Horwell is taking over from Macca as Joy Media's President.