Saturday Magazine

19 May 2024

Saturday 18th May, 2024: Misha Ketchell, The Conversation; News and Current Affairs Update.

Current Affairs, Interview, Joy, Joy 94.9, Joy Media, Media, News & Politics, Podcast, Society & Culture

Saturday 18th May, 2024: Misha Ketchell, The Conversation; News and Current Affairs Update.

Misha Ketchell, joins Fiona and Nevena live on air, as they break down the latest news and current affairs.

Topics include:

  1. Budget, including Dutton response, Jobseeker, rent assistance, tax, inflation.
  2. McBride decision, whistle-blowers, national security. Why is David McBride the only in being prosecuted in Australia’s War Crimes controversy. Former military lawyer David McBride has been sentenced to five years and eight months in jail for sharing classified military documents with journalists.

    McBride pleaded guilty to three charges, including theft and sharing documents classified as secret, with members of the press.

  3. Cumberland City council book ban overturned.At Cumberland City Council in the western suburbs of Sydney, one man – Councillor Steve Christou – persuaded the council to ban books about same-sex parenting from the council’s libraries.

    The change was short-lived. People fought back. More than 40,000 signed a petition to lift the ban.

    Only two weeks later, the Council reversed its decision, voting decisively (13-2), following impassioned pleas by residents, and with many people protesting on the streets.


Saturday, 20th July, 2024; New Joy President Announcement

22 Jul 2024

Saturday, 20th July, 2024; New Joy President Announcement

Current Affairs, Interview, Joy, Joy 94.9, Media, News & Politics, Podcast, Society & Culture

Macca, Paul and Nevena discuss the new announcement that Paul Horwell is taking over from Macca as Joy Media's President.