Saturday Magazine

20 Mar 2015

Racing For Controversy

News & Politics, Podcast

Lord Mayor Robert Doyle is in the house again today with the delightful Dolly Diamond as co-host.

It’s Grand Prix weekend and so our motors are revved and ready but first up, trading the Grand Prix with Sydney led to some interesting discussion.


Tram routes may be changing and the Public Transport Users Association spokesperson Daniel Bowen joins us to chat about what those changes mean to commuters. Kirstie Marshall, our resident Olympian was on hand to talk about a Melbourne Olympics bid for 2032. Seems a long way off but we are out practising the hurdles in readiness.

Rodney Croome  and discrimination are two words often used together. The gender pay gap and a decision by Launceston Council to refuse support for marriage equality on the agenda this week.

Dolly is so excited for Moomba! She just missed out on a gong as the Queen of Moomba but there is always next year. Sydney busker Axel Winter took on a homophobic preacher in Sydney’s Pitt Street mall and went viral across the globe.  We caught up with him to chat about his small act of bravery and what followed.

The Fabulous Adam Richard is always a giggle and he spent some time with us talking about gays and lesbians in the Melbourne International Comedy Festival. A hoot, as usual.  We also managed to have a discussion about political scandal and penis transplants… interesting.

Some efforts to get hold of Mick Doohan, five time world Moto GP Champion who was clearly not able to hear his phone from the track at the Grand Prix, likewise Farifax Editor mark Hawthorne.  However, a big show and a very busy day.

Aired on 14th of March, 2015.