Word for Word

4 May 2014

Inside Ex-Gay: the naked truth – Reparative History (Part 4 of 4)

News & Politics, Society & Culture


Inside Ex-Gay: the naked truth, consists of four radio documentary episodes and a web site full of resources and information to assist members of the LGBTI community who are struggling to reconcile their sexuality and faith.


Over the last three weeks, Word for Word has gone Inside the Ex-gay program to discover the naked truth behind the deeply harmful Australian ex-gay movement with ex-gay survivors, counsellors and evangelical leaders. We’ve heard horror stories and messages of hope and we’ve witnessed the beginnings of a shift in the evangelical attitude towards LGBTI people.

In this final episode we step back in time with Reverend Matt Glover and Latrobe University’s Dr Timothy Jones. Matt is an experienced counsellor of ex-gay survivors and has an insider’s view of ex-gay programs and the counselling industry that has often allowed them to exist without scrutiny. Tim is a cultural historian with a lot to say about the journey of homophobia and ex-gay in our society, including how old it is – and also how recent.

Episode four explores the history of the ex-gay movement and what our community can do to guarantee a future free from it.

For more information about this episode, podcasts of all four Inside Ex-gay shows, videos, contacts and more, check out the Inside Ex-gay: The Naked Truth website.



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