LGBTQIA+ Diversity and Inclusion Training

A graphic which says "LGBTQIA+ Diversity and Inclusion Training" alongside an image of JOY Academy head Fiona laughing during a training session. Rainbow bands bounce in from the sides of the image.

Diverse workplaces are more innovative, approach challenges from different perspectives, think more creatively, and are more productive and happier.

So what stops every workplace being like this? Every one of us has unconscious biases, prejudices and opinions which can affect those around us. Without meaning to, a throwaway comment can make people feel excluded and unwelcome.

Diversity and inclusion training can help your team see other colleagues’ perspectives, assist with empathy, and foster a trusting and productive environment where everyone is accepted.

What our clients are saying…

“The insightful 2.5-hour session was led by their industry experts who provided us with a clear understanding of key concepts related to LGBTQIA+ inclusion. The training was delivered with a perfect blend of professionalism and approachability. The instructors, Fiona, Triana, Andy and Rebeckah created an environment that encouraged interactive discussions, stimulating thought, and comfortably addressing challenging questions. Their comprehensive content, combined with an engaging delivery style, was well received by all participants.

The primary objective of this training was to enhance our leaders’ capabilities in promoting LGBTQIA+ initiatives and creating a safe, respectful environment for everyone. We believe that the workshop has successfully equipped us with the necessary tools and knowledge to achieve this goal.”
– People & Culture Manager, local council

“We received positive feedback from all of the participants, and people really enjoyed the content and the delivery style from Triana and Fiona. The sessions were interactive, engaging and thought-provoking. Everyone felt comfortable to ask challenging questions, and the session was presented in a way that allowed for some deep discussion. Thank you JOY. I’d happily recommend any organisation that is interested in developing a more inclusive workplace to conduct this training.”
– Brian Anthony, Technical Service & Development Manager, Dow Chemical (Australia)


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