Annual General Meeting 2015

29 Oct 2015

Annual General Meeting 2015

JOY Melbourne Inc. annual general meeting was held Sunday October 25 2015 2pm at Level 10, 225 Bourke Street Melbourne.

Joining the existing directors Jed GILBERT, Melinda RICH, Nathan MILLER, and Stephanie AMIR are newly-elected directors:

  • Cassie CHADWICK
  • Andy McNAMARA
  • Andrew THORP

Thank you to retiring board members: Laurie CATO-SMITH, Geoffrey DEVINE, and Trish KERIN

JOY Board – Terms of Office

The current board of directors and their updated term of office:

Board Member Term in years Term expires
Jed GILBERT 1 2016
Melinda RICH 2 2017
Nathan MILLER 2 2017
Stephanie AMIR 2 2017
Cassie CHADWICK^ 3 2018
Tanya MATTHEWSON^ 3 2018
Andrew THORP* 3 2018
Andy McNAMARA* 3 2018
Ian GRAYSTONE* 3 2018

* new board members
^ re-elected board member

JOY Board – Office Bearers

At the first meeting of the new JOY board held following the close of the AGM at 4:30pm, the executive office bearers elected are:

  • President: Jed GILBERT
  • Vice-President: Melinda RICH
  • Secretary: Cassie CHADWICK
  • Treasurer & Chair of Finance & Audit Committee: Ian GRAYSTONE


The sub-committee chairpersons elected are:

  • Chair of Community Engagement Committee: Stephanie AMIR
  • Chair of Performance Committee: Melinda RICH
  • Chair of Programming Committee: Tanya MATTHEWSON
  • Chair of Risk Committee: Andy McNAMARA
  • Chair of Technical Advisory Committee: Cassie CHADWICK

Life Member

The JOY Board is pleased to award honorary life membership to:

Conrad Browne

Conrad Browne

Conrad Browne

Honorary life membership is awarded by the JOY Board to recognise a member for their extraordinary commitment and contribution to the purpose of JOY 94.9.

Over 10 years with the station, Conrad Browne has been an exemplary leader embodying the purpose and values of JOY 94.9. Beginning as a volunteer in 2005, he started in a support role to the Sponsorship team and progressed 3 years later to Production Manager/Community Liaison. He was General Manager from late 2011 to mid-2015. During this time, Conrad always lived up to the high standards he set himself, while inspiring, mentoring and supporting others to be their best.

He excelled at representing the station including with sponsors and across the sector. He relentlessly drove the station to remain on mission by producing great community radio, with a dedicated and professional team. This meant he led the station through enormous achievements strategically, culturally and financially. The esteem and respect he receives across the broad JOY 94.9 community mean he is a well-deserving new Life Member.

Addam Stobbs Award for Broadcasting Excellence

The JOY Board is pleased to award honorary life membership to:

Sammi Whitehead

Sammi Whitehead

Sammi Whitehead

Addam Stobbs was a life member of JOY 94.9 in recognition of his enormous contribution over many years. We still feel the loss of his extraordinary passion, work, humour and enthusiasm. He is remembered by many as a mentor and friend. The Board instituted an award for broadcasting excellence in his name as a way of acknowledging Addam’s service in perpetuity. This award is presented to a volunteer who has excelled at creating programming that fulfils the JOY mission statement and has demonstrated over the past twelve months their capacity to connect, represent and celebrate our diverse community through programming that uplifts, informs and empowers.

During 2014-15, Sammi Whitehead produced and presented “The Wet Spot”, an uncensored hour for women with a focus on sex and sensuality, something that had not previously been offered to our women listeners. Sammi regularly produced high quality podcasts and interviews, and developed an active audience. With involvement in “Yes We Are”, Sammi represented women/lesbians through an entertaining and engaging music format program.

Sammi is a tireless JOY volunteer in all aspects from office admin, panel operation, podcasting, production and presenting. Sammi assisted with podcasting training when requested, and panelling for two other programs, in addition to her own program workload (Stand Up Straight and Saturday Magazine). Sammi is strong supporter of JOY and in particular women’s issues.

Anne Hamilton Award for Volunteering Excellence

The JOY Board is pleased to award honorary life membership to:

Betty Sujecki

Betty Sujecki

Betty Sujecki

Anne Hamilton is a life member of JOY 94.9 and this award acknowledges Anne’s embodiment of the JOY 94.9 mission and values, her passion for community volunteering, integrity, work ethic and the quality of her work. Anne’s enormous contribution to the organisation sets an excellent example for all volunteers. This award is presented to a volunteer who has excelled at performing their work in support of the JOY 94.9 mission and values over the past 12 months.

Betty has been the JOY 94.9 photographer for several years and across 2014-15 has exemplified our values in all of her activities. She shows strong commitment to JOY’s diversity and strives to reflect our community in all her work.

Betty is enthusiastic and respectful, and encourages others to be the same by leading by example. Betty frequently puts up her hand to take on extra tasks and is always willing to take on constructive feedback. In the last 12 months, she has welcomed Hamish to the team and has fostered an excellent working relationship with him. In addition, she readily seeks out ways to learn more about photography and looks to incorporate new and creative ways of capturing JOY 94.9 moments.


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